Lots have been said in the last week about Haiti. I have heard soo much about the countries past, the current situation, and the road blocks. It is really sad to see the current status of the country, the pain of so many people that have lost soo much! So much that I cannot even come close to understanding. My mind drifts to what we can do to help pull Haiti out of this disaster and to a sustainable place. The big need after people receiving food and medical attention is rebuilding the infrastructure: roads and housing. I look at how we can train individuals to re-start their environment. So much of Haiti has been laid bare due to deforestation. Why not begin large scale efforts to bring back the vegetation that is native to the land. The other big issue to help the land is to begin large scale composting to refresh the soil with the nutrients that it once had and to then begin planting produce to help feed the people of Haiti. Now I could go on further, but I will spare everyone from that. I know that so many people have lost what little they had and are in a most difficult position, but I feel that organizations need to help enable the people of Haiti to rebuild the country themselves. They don't need more debt, they don't need handouts in a year from now. What they need is housing, food, and jobs. The problem has been the destruction of the environment in Haiti which has in turn taken away their food and jobs. We need to enable the people to restore these things.
Many things lately have centered around food in my life. Leah and I started a raw milk share and we just watched the movie "Food Matters". What I can say we have found is that our current system of human health and how we treat our body is really screwed up. We as individuals as Leah and I have found have to take the way we eat into our own hands. We can't listen to what the culture claims as healthy... we can't look at food labels and simply count fat and calories. We have to dig deeper. We need to find local natural alternatives to the way we eat. We need to change our eating habits and we need to no longer look to the drug industry to find cures. Chemicals do not cure our body, natural fruits and vegetables help our bodies to not get sick in the first place. So many times we pasteurize and clean our food, but what we end up doing is removing nutrients and destroy the enzyme structure of what makes the foods good for our body. How do we safely intake foods if they are not pasteurized? Well, buy straight from a trusted local farmer. Get in a CSA for local milk, produce, and meat. The great resource we have in our area are the Amish. No better spot to get organic products because they use no artificial chemicals on anything. They do it the natural way. I could go on and on and on, but I need to go make dinner. What's for dinner? Well, broccoli cheddar soup of course!
Take Care Everyone