Thursday, February 25, 2010

Official Invite to Cameroon

This afternoon Leah and I received some great news, that we are officially invited to Cameroon. The site at Cameroon has had our resumes for the last week or so and have been going over the positions that we applied for. Both our positions in Cameroon are through Wycliffe Associates, but specifically with the Rain Forest International School (school for missionary kids). I was seeking the Network Manager position and Leah was seeking to be a librarian or a tutor. I have claimed the Network Manager position and Leah was invited to be a librarian. We have been praying for God to grant us an invite from Cameroon and it is encouraging to see that the door has been fully opened!

Next for the both of us is to begin the process of putting together our initial prayer and support letter in which we will be sending out to friends and family. We also are looking to pull together a distribution list of email addresses for those that want to follow our blog postings and have a more updated way to pray for specific needs and as we are over in Africa to keep all of our friends, family, and supporters up-to-date as to our daily lives in Cameroon.

We hope that those interested will begin to send their email addresses to

Peace and Love in Christ
Mark J

Monday, February 8, 2010

Whirlwind of Life

Honestly, I cannot get over the fact- Jesus said trust me, I am going to do great things, follow me. Ok yes I will follow you, not understand your ways, not get what I am doing or why. But my struggle is that you weren't joking around when you said great things.
Our dream is to follow God, to share the good news with people who don't have the good news. Our is to go to Africa, now its starting.
Wycliffe has accepted us or approved if you would like. Sent our information to Cameroon to place us in jobs. WOW. More info to come on that. Time frame is however long it takes to fund raise for a 2 year trip. 6 to 10 months is what I am estimating, but as of right now we are just taking one day at a time.
I am in the midst of this I am applying for a preschool teacher job at a Christian daycare. Oh my goodness, I am feeling like I am having fun just thinking about all the ideas I have to do with the kids! Working interview on thur, we will see from there. I will be working a lot more and doing like 40 hours a week with them!!
the Lord has been so gracious with us, may it be poured out onto others in our lives.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So I haven't been in writing mode, even though lots to talk about and now I have ten minutes to write.
My husband and myself, recently obtained netflix. Which I love with an ungodly amount. So with some major decisions and life changes we want to make, I felt it appropriate to fast from netflix (and my husband video games) and to try creative ways to fast in our life. Fasting is something I have been doing more and more this last year. I have grown into it, slowing seeing the benefits of it, I feel like its one of the last spiritual disciplines people try to implement into their lives. Don't be like me, experience it sooner. Well I am loving it some much, I might try to use netflix much less, simply because it has inspired working out. Now I am sore but feel great to be honest, I think I am picking it up as a hobby now to exercise to kill board-um instead of T.V.
So just be praying for major life choices! To be announced later!