Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ups and Downs

Hello Everyone

I would say Leah and I highly prioritize being authentic with all people. For almost the whole time here in Cameroon we have experienced much joy and happiness. Lately though, we have seemed to become caught in a few struggles: Leah sick, small amounts of being homesick, struggles with our funding, wondering and preparing if we have to come back next June. Thankfully Leah is beginning to feel better after her cold, Leah and I are talking through our feelings of what makes us homesick, are taking steps to raise our funds, and are giving God control of our long-term situation. We see God working and providing for us day by day, but we don't always feel happy. Some of you may be saying "That's life." and indeed it is, and we know that we won't always be "happy", but God fills us with joy and peace despite our circumstances. So we face struggles, but we give thanks that God has us here in Cameroon and for the involvement we have in many peoples' lives.

Another area I have struggled with lately can be rather difficult to explain. I know I am a missionary here in Cameroon with WA, but something in my head has a desire to help with the work of improving the lives of Cameroonians in another way. What I mean is more towards non-profit work: agriculture & food security, health, water & sanitation, humanitarian aid, social development, and environmental work - all to assist in helping Africa and be the hands and feet of Christ, letting them know that God loves them and cares for them and I do as well. Obviously this work is good, but who can say it is more pleasing to God that I do this over supporting the work of Bible Translation? No, I am called to go and make deciples of all people. So I am here in Cameroon where God has called me, living everyday life with Cameroonians and sharing the hope of Christ. God has connected us with 3 men of God who are working with widows and orphans to be just what I mentioned above: the hands and feet of Christ. My "mind" thinks of ways I can help heal Africa with my hands, but our #1 priority is to bring people to Christ and allow Him to transform them. So I ask, is God working through where He has placed us or do I want to see physical things I can say my hands have done? I believe the key is that we are in God's will and are searching for ways that we can share the love of Christ with broken and empty people - which can be done in Michigan or in the most deprived village in Africa. It boils down to, "am I doing what I want or what God wants?" So, my prayer is, in the moments when I question whether or not I could be doing more: Jesus open my eyes to the work I AM doing and allow opportunities for me to minister to people that need your love, hope, and saving grace.

Joy and Peace in Christ
Mark and Leah Janowiak

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